Thursday, June 07, 2007

Suddenly Is Sooner Than You Think

It's something like 120 days until the Marathon. All of the Chicago training groups start this week. Every time I post, I keep on thinking "this is getting real," but how much more real could it get?

Anyways, I am feeling pretty good. I made two resolutions yesterday.
One: No more fast food until October. I had my last Chiplote Burrito. I enjoyed the hell out of it.
Two: I can't play basketball for a while :( It puts quite a pounding on my ankles, making it extremely difficult to run the next day. Yesterday was painful.

I am starting to understand what I am capable of and I am zeroing in on my goals. Almost ready to post them up here.

I did one cool thing yesterday. I signed up to run for Children's Memorial Hospital Marathon Team to raise some funds for the hospital. I am hoping to raise over $800.00. I will be sending out emails and begging everyone to donate in a couple of weeks, but in the meantime, if you would like to donate a couple of bucks, you can do so here:
Tim's CMH Donation Page.

In a couple of posts, I will share a lot more. As I wrote in my first post, this is a big deal to me. You might wonder why, since millions of people run marathons each year, but I have my reasons, and I will share later. In the mean time, it would really mean a lot to me if you could support Children's Memorial and donate what you can. Thanks!

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